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Wednesday, June 19 • 3:45pm - 4:45pm
Striking the Right Balance: Safeguarding Student Data While Enabling Secure Sharing

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Through real-world examples from Iron County’s implementation, you'll discover how easy-to-use encryption can provide a seamless experience for securely sharing privileged information with approved parties across diverse technology environments and accounts. We'll also explore use cases that ensure compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, FERPA, and CIS controls.
Attendees will gain insights into common privacy pitfalls when schools share student data outside their networks, understanding and meeting legal requirements, evaluating risks of different communication workflows, and adopting user-friendly data protection solutions for seamless communications.
The session will provide a framework for developing a secure student data sharing strategy, drawing on privacy best practices, technical approaches, and lessons learned. Attendees will also receive a brief overview of modern encryption solutions like Virtru that balance robust security with usability.

avatar for Troy Lunt

Troy Lunt

Technology Director, Iron County School District
avatar for Ken Munford

Ken Munford

Network Manager, Iron County School District

Wednesday June 19, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Room 213
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